Published On: July 5, 2024

Tabak Insurance provides a range of comprehensive insurance policies including liquor liability insurance, general liability insurance, commercial property insurance, and more. Liability insurance helps to protect bars from lawsuits or financial losses due to accidents or injuries. Here are a few other reasons why your bar needs liability insurance:

1. Customer Intoxication

Bars serve a variety of alcoholic beverages to customers. If a customer becomes drunk and harms themselves, others, or other people’s property, your business may be held liable. Bar employees may unknowingly continue to serve alcoholic beverages to intoxicated customers who may then get into a car accident on the way home. Anyone injured in the accident can sue your bar for serving excess alcohol. Bar patrons may also start fights and injure other customers due to intoxication. Liquor liability policies protect your business from financial ruin due to lawsuits or insurance claims.

2. Patron Accidents

Another reason to invest in liability insurance is to protect your establishment from lawsuits due to injury. If a customer slips and falls due to spilled drinks or wet flooring, they may file a personal injury claim. Having inadequate lighting or an overcrowded space may also lead to accidental injuries. General liability policies are beneficial in these situations. General liability policies protect against a wide range of claims and lawsuits. A customer may make bodily injury or premises-related claims in order to obtain compensation for an injury. Instead of paying the fee out of pocket, a general liability policy will cover the costs and reduce the chances of your bar experiencing financial strain.

3. Injured Employees

Employees can also be injured on the job from cuts, burns, or falls. If they are injured lifting heavy objects while they work, they may choose to sue your bar. Workers’ compensation liability policies will provide financial coverage in the event that employees need medical care, rehabilitation, or long-term disability payments. Tabak Insurance’s workers’ compensation policy is a thorough means of protecting your employees and your business assets. Discuss the coverage terms for workers’ compensation with our team members to learn more about the benefits.

4. Property Damage

Property damage to your bar can include broken equipment, fixtures, and more. Bars that serve food are at risk of fires in the kitchen space. If a fire breaks out and destroys your establishment, a commercial property insurance policy will provide compensation. Tabak Insurance’s property damage policy covers natural disasters, equipment breakdowns, spoilage, theft, and more. It will also protect against interruptions due to property damage. With this coverage, you’ll be able to recover expenses for running and staffing your business while it is temporarily closed. This makes sure you reduce the impact of lost revenue. 

5. Business Mistakes

An errors and omissions liability policy protects your bar from lost revenue due to a mistake on the part of you or your staff. Situations like this involve accidentally mislabeling food items at your bar or allowing food to be cross-contaminated. A customer may book your bar for an event but later realize that an employee misrepresented the available space. Protecting your bar from negligence or inadequate service will help you avoid harmful financial losses. The Tabak Insurance team helps business owners with errors and omissions liability policies by walking them through all of the potential risks and how they can protect against them.

Get Liquor Liability Insurance for Your Bar

Liquor liability insurance and various other policies offered at Tabak Insurance will help to protect your bar from large financial setbacks. Accidents can occur at any time and taking the right measures in advance will make sure you safeguard your business. To learn more about our liability insurance policies, reach out to our team today.

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